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Sunday, May 31, 2009


...Greg and Becky tied the knot yesterday at Sedona Golf Resort... it was supposed to be high 90's with a chance of showers... so yea it RAINED! it even hailed for sometime... but that did not damper this couples amazing spirits... we just waited out the rain on the patio took as many pictures as we could and as soon as the storm broke...we had ourselves a beautiful wedding! here are just a few of pictures of the day... more to come in the following week!

::real quick::

just wanted to make sure you all are aware that DOLCE Studio is on Twitter & Facebook... Check us out!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

::Miss Murray::

..had the opportunity to shoot Miss Murray's Communion photos... what a sweet little lady!


...every so often you meet up with some clients and you just 'click' Becky & Greg...they are such cool people!! they have such an energy about them that keeps you smiling and laughing... here are some pictures from their engagement shoot on Sat... be on the look out for their wedding photos at the end of the month...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

::my apologies:: beforementioned in a couple of blogs ago, Dolce was going to be hosting our second annual portraits in the park... but our month of May has already filled up... WOW!!! i am so grateful that we have so many new clients coming in!! I was really looking forward to shooting in THE PARK... I think June may be a bit too warm... I am sorry that it has been put on hold, maybe we will shoot for October (family portrait month, no seriously, it is!)... hang with us, we will be getting back soon...have a ton of stuff to edit before we leave for CA on Sat...