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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Calling All Brides

Are you recently engaged? Or know someone who is? We are going to be hosting a booth at the upcoming Bridal Fashion Debut on Sunday June 8th. We have some free tickets to the event and would love treat you and a friend to the show! Tickets are limited, so contact us soon at
Be sure to stop by our booth....we are giving away some fantastic prizes!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Portraits In The Park

Yesterday afternoon was spent at Freestone Park shooting family portraits. It was a fantastic day to be out shooting. The Cathey family came out and shared that it was their 16th wedding anniversary and they had been together for 21 years! that is amazing! they looked so much in love so many years later. I was touched that I had to opportunity to capture the sweetness of their family.